
5 Top Tips For A Flatter Tummy Quickly!

November 1, 2022

Summer is fast approaching and most of us would love to have a flatter tummy in time for swimsuit season.

There are some simply things we can focus on to help our bodies release excess tummy fat. It is impossible to do spot exercising and expect that to move the annoying fat, but you will benefit from firmer muscles in that area which is beneficial to our overall health and looks.


Here are 5 Top Tips that you can focus on now-

Cut back on carbs

Cutting back on carbohydrates such flour, pasta and sugar will help you reduce the biggest contributing factor to excess stomach fat. The excess kilojoules that we consume are stored in this area just in case of famine. Make sure the carbs you do eat are beneficial such as grain bread, no added sugar cereal and switch out the sugar laden soft drinks for carbonated mineral water with a piece of lemon or lime for flavour.

Fill up with protein

Feel fuller with the help proteins from lean meat, eggs and tofu. Regular consumption of proteins will also help with reducing hunger, eases sugar cravings and will help protect and build muscle mass. Try and include healthy protein with every meal.

Reduce how much milk you drink

A dash of milk in your coffee or tea is not an issue, but if you enjoy regular latte's, milk-based smoothies or a glass of milk daily, that is when it becomes a problem.

Milk has quite a high sugar content and lactose can lead to bloating.

Switching to plant-based milks such as oat, almond or coconut will still provide the vitamin D, calcium and other essential nutrients that you get from normal milk.

Exercise daily

Any type of movement will do. Walking is easy and free. If you have a gym membership, use it. Put your headphones in and play your favorite songs and dance around the house.

You will burn calories, increase stamina and strength. All of which is important to shift tummy fat.

Watch your portion size

Eating healthily does not mean you can eat as much as you want. Even too much protein can lead to excess calorie consumption above what you burn off each day.

Chew food very thoroughly to help you slow down your food consumption and you will feel full quicker.

Don't overload your plate with the exception of non-starchy vegetables. Even though fruit is very good for you, it does have a high sugar content which is what you are trying to avoid.


If you focus on updating your habits with the above tips not only will your tummy look better, they can also help with reducing anxiety, improving focus, reducing flatulence and better sleep.

Don't try and change everything overnight. Start with small steps every day that include the 5 tips and you will notice your tummy getting flatter very quickly.

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